ย 2017-2019
Prof. Dr. Hairul Nizam Ismail
hairul@usm.myProf. Dr. Hairul Nizam Ismail
Prof. Dr. Hairul Nizam Ismail received his PhD (Educational Psychology/ Instructional System Technology) from Indiana University-Bloomington in 1999, with specialization in the area of learning and cognition. Since that year, Dr. Hairul has served as the faculty member at the School of Educational Studies, Universiti Sains Malaysia. For the past eleven years, Dr. Hairul has been teaching many university courses related to educational psychology, child psychology, cognitive psychology, guidance and counseling, multiple intelligences, gifted and talented, thinking and reasoning, and psychological testing.
Furthermore, he has embarked on numerous research projects pertaining to topics concerning problem based learning, ICT and education, stress, pre-school, educational databases, ethnic interactions, and differences between male and female students. He has also written numerous journal and magazine articles, research monographs, as well as book chapters in similar topic areas.
President Elect
President Elect
Prof. Dr. Rozainee Khairudin
rozaineekhai@ukm.edu.myProf. Dr. Rozainee Khairudin
Scope of Work: Cognitive Psychology, Cognitive Science, Cognitive NeuroscienceOffice Address: Pusat Pengajian Psikologi dan Pembangunan Manusia, FSSK, UKM, Bangi.
Vice President
Vice President
Dr. Harris Shah Abdul Hamid
Qualifications: B.A. (Hons)(Psych) Guelph Uni, M.Sc. (Ergonomics) UCL, PhD (Ergonomics) Loughborough UniversityArea of Specialization: Social Science, Law Enforcement, Evidence and Procedure - Applications of psychology and ergonomics in healthcare.Dr. Harris Shah Abdul Hamid
Former President
Former President
Dr. Goh Chee Leong
gohcl@help.edu.myDr. Goh Chee Leong
Chee Leong currently serves as the Vice President and Dean of the Faculty of Behavioral Sciences at HELP University, Kuala Lumpur, which houses the largest Psychology undergraduate program in South East Asia. There, he lectures in a variety of areas, including Social Psychology, Research Methodology, Human Motivation, Developmental Psychology and Cognitive Psychology.
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Wan Shahrazad Wan Sulaiman
shara@ukm.edu.myAssoc. Prof. Dr. Wan Shahrazad Wan Sulaiman
Scope of Work: Test and Measurements, Statistics, SEM Model Testing, Critical Thinking and Problem SolvingOffice Address: Pusat Pengajian Psikologi dan Pembangunan Manusia, FSSK, UKM, Bangi.
Dr. Azlin Alwi
azlinalwi@iium.edu.myDr. Azlin Alwi
Dr. Azlin is Assistant Professor and lecturer at Department of Psychology, Kulliyyah of Islamic Revealed Knowledge and Human Sciences, International Islamic University Malaysia, Selangor.
Assistant Secretary
Assistant Secretary
En. Salahuddien Ayob
salahuddien@psima.org.myScope of Work: Health Psychology; Social PsychologyEn. Salahuddien Ayob is a lecturer at Department of Psychology, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman, Perak.En. Salahuddien Ayob
Exco Members
Exco Members
Prof. Dr. Rozmi Ismaiย
rozmi@ukm.edu.myScope of Work: Traffic Psychology, Social Psychology, Research Methodology and Experimental PsychologyOffice Address: Pusat Pengajian Psikologi dan Pembangunan Manusia, FSSK, UKM, BangiProf. Dr. Rozmi Ismaiย
Prof. Datin Dr. Quek Ai Hwa
quekah@help.edu.myProf. Datin Dr Quek Ai Hwa holds the Professorial Chair of Career Development at the Dept. of Psychology at HELP. Her areas of specialisation are in Social Psychology and Sociology and with Career Education. Prior to joining HELP, she was a Professor and Dept. Head, at Faculty of Education, University Malaya (UM) and received several excellence awards from UM. At HELP, her current research interests are in career development, work culture, employment, programme evaluation, education and special needs.Prof. Datin Dr. Quek Ai Hwa
Prof. Dr. Rahmatullah Khanย
rahmattullah@fppm.upsi.edu.myQualifications: BS (LAS), M Psych (Clin.), D Psych (Clin.)Specialization: Clinical PsychologyOffice Address: Jabatan Psikologi & Kaunseling, Fakulti Pendidikan & Pembangunan Manusia, Universiti Pendidikan Sultan IdrisProf. Dr. Rahmatullah Khanย
En. Khairul Azhar Idris
khairul@ikim.gov.myEn. Khairul Azhar Idris
Qualifications: B. HSc. (Psych) IIUM, M. HSc. (Clinical Psychology) IIUMSpecialization: Clinical PsychologyOffice Address: Pusat Kajian Ekonomi dan Kemasyarakatan (EMAS), Institute Kefahaman Islam Malaysia (IKIM).
Dr. Tan Chee Seng
tcseng@utar.edu.myDr. Tan Chee Seng is Assistant Professor and lecturer at Department of Psychology, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman, Perak.Dr. Tan Chee Seng
Ms. Anna Ong Wen Huey
Ms. Anna Ong Wen Huey
Dr. Fatimah Wati Halim
atisha@ukm.edu.myDr. Fatimah Wati is Senior Lecturer at Pusat Pengajian Psikologi dan Pembangunan Manusia, FSSK, UKM, Bangi.Dr. Fatimah Wati Halim