Associate Prof. Dr. Rozainee Khairudin
Assoc. Prof. Dr Rozainee completed her master's and doctoral degrees in Cognitive Science from University of Birmingham, United Kingdom. Her main research interests are in mindset, emotion and memory, and deception in delinquency. She is currently the Deputy Dean at Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, National University of Malaysia.ย
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Wan Shahrazad Wan Sulaiman
Scope of Work: Test and Measurements, Statistics, SEM Model Testing, Critical Thinking and Problem SolvingOffice Address: Pusat Pengajian Psikologi dan Pembangunan Manusia, FSSK, UKM, Bang.
Dr. Shazli Ezzat Hj. Ghazali
Dr. Shazli Ezzat recieves his PhD in Psychology from UKM in 2015. He is a senior lecturer at UKM. He is also one of the founders for Unit Psikologi Kesihatan which is now recognized as Program Psikologi Klinikal dan Tingkah Laku Kesihatan, Fakulti Sains Kesihatan, UKM.
Prof. Dr. Hairul Nizam Ismail
Prof. Dr. Hairul Nizam Ismail received his PhD (Educational Psychology/ Instructional System Technology) from Indiana University-Bloomington in 1999, with specialization in the area of learning and cognition. Dr. Hairul is a faculty member at the School of Educational Studies, Universiti Sains Malaysia.ย
Dr. Zhooriyati Sehu Mohamad
UCSI University, Kuala Lumpurย
"There is no way for happiness. Happiness is the way".ย
Dr Zhooriyati is a lecturer and Head of Programme (Master of Child Psychology & Master of Clinical Psychology) at UCSI University. She obtained her BA in Social Science, Master and PhD in Psychology from University Sains Malaysia (USM). She specializes in positive psychology and qualitative research. Her specific areas of research interest include happiness, well-being, and relationship.ย
Dr. Crendy Tan Yen Teng
Dr Crendy Tan Yen Teng is a child psychologist and also a registered counsellor with the Board of Counsellor, Malaysia. She is a regular invited speaker for 8TV and AiFm 89.3 radio broadcast which mainly share about psychology and counselling topics. She is currently attached to UCSI University Kuala Lumpur and station in psychology department as a Head.
Prof. Rahmattullah Khan Abdul Wahab Khan
rahmattullah@fppm.upsi.edu.myProf Rahmatullah is lecturer of Psychology at Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris (UPSI).
En. Khairul Azhar Idris
khairul@ikim@gov.myKhairul Azhar earn his M.HSc. Clinical Psychology and B.HSc. Psychology from International Islamic University Malaysia. He is a Fellow at Centre for Economics & Social Studies (EMAS), Institut Kefahaman Islam Malaysia (IKIM).
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hazalizah Hamzah
Dr. Hazalizah is currently the Head, Department of Psychology and Counselling, Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris (UPSI). She obtained BA (Psychology) with Honours and PhD (Psychology) from National University of Malaysia (UKM). Her areas of research interest include graduate employability, work engagement and personality.
Prof. Madya Dr. Fatimah Yussoff
Pn. Santhi Senappan
santhi@sheq.com.mySanthi is a Co-Founder and Director of SHEQ Management Consultant Sdn. Bhd. She has been involved in training and consulting for more than 17 years to increase organizationsโperformance and has gained various experiences in human resource management and development. She obtained MSc in Industrial and Organizational Psychology and BA (Hons) from Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia.
Associate Prof. Dr Ke Guek Neeย
g.n.ke@hw.ac.ukKe Guek Nee, PhD, is a lecturer at Heriot-Watt University Malaysia, Putrajaya. She obtained BA in Psychology, MA and PhD in Industrial and Organizational Psychology from National University of Malaysia (UKM). Her specific areas of research interest include prevention of Internet addiction, emotional intelligence, leadership and workplace well-being.ย
En. Muhamad Karimi Sulaiman
karimi@iium.edu.myMuhammad Karimi earns his M.HSc.ย Psychology and B.HSc. Psychology from International Islamicย University Malaysia.ย He is currently a lecturer at Department of Psychology, Kulliyyah of Islamic Revealed Knowledge & Human Sciences, International Islamic University Malaysia.ย
Dr. Zuhrah Beevi
z.kahmad@hw.ac.ukDr Zuhrah Beevi is an Assistant Professor of Psychology at Heriot-Watt University Malaysia. She is also a Clinical Hypnotherapist and Health Psychologist at a private hospital in Kuala Lumpur. Dr Zuhrahโs expertise is in preparing pregnant women for childbirth and postpartum using hypnosis.ย
En. Salahuddien Ayob
Salahuddien earns his degree in Psychology from Arizona State University and Masters of Health Science from University of Sydney. He advises PSIMA on its technology-related needs.